Thursday Reflections 0604

Happy day before Friday everyone. Here’s something to reflect on over the long weekend perhaps…

Today’s read is about 2-4 minutes. Post read pondering not included. I made this week a brief one, as we are all probably scrambling to finish things off. These may even be useful over the weekend. Happy Easter.

Last week’s riddle question and answer; Brother Simon was a monk of an order that no longer exists. He does, however, have a new job entertaining tourists at the monastery. After tourists are shown into his old room, the doors are locked with Simon and all the tourists inside. There is a small window which is too small to get through, but Brother Simon manages to get out, leaving the tourists every time. How? A few worked this one out; Brother Simon was a ghost.

This week’s riddle is Easter-related;  Remembering the story of the Emperor’s new clothes, where only the most intelligent people could see the fabric – the opposite has also been tested! A crowd of people who watched a parade saw all of the people in the parade without clothes on. The paraders were all wearing clothes at the time, and they all were celebrating a significant event. How was this so?

Did you know? Should you ever want to look back on old versions of these, you can find them here

Time for a moment to reflect, I think.