Friday Reflections 0411

Happy Friday everyone. Here’s something to reflect on over the weekend perhaps…

Today’s read is about 6-8 minutes. Post read pondering not included.

I liked this because even though its specifically about exercise, the principles relate to overcoming any challenge you might be resisting.

This is how you can build resilience, in any part of your life. James Clear, the Atomic Habits Author writes “Rome wasn’t Built in a Day – but they never stopped laying bricks” If every day you lay a brick in the right direction, one day you’ll look back and see a city.

Last week’s riddle question and answer; What grows in winter, dies in summer, and can develop roots upward? An Icicle

This week’s riddle is;  The stack just might be sent everywhere. Full of what’s new, yet it’s nearly obsolete.

Time for a moment to reflect, I think.