Friday Reflections 1108

Happy Friday everyone. Here’s something to reflect on over the weekend perhaps…

Today’s read is about 4-6 minutes. Post read pondering not included. An interesting take on things, I thought. People generally do avoid things they fear and are drawn towards benefit and enjoyment. And dare I say it, for some people, personal benefit over any benefit to the broader community or humanity (just look up the statistics on contamination of counsel recycling programs – whether its apathy or genuine selfishness, a lot of people don’t really care).

Do the things in the article excite you or scare you? What would you need to know to feel more comfortable about them?

Last week’s riddle question and answer; We chop its feet; we drink its lifeblood. – a toughie; Sugarcane

This week’s riddle is;  What gets broken without being held?

Did you know? Should you ever want to look back on old versions of these, you can find them here

Time for a moment to reflect, I think.