Friday Reflections 2309

Happy Friday everyone. Here’s something to reflect on over the weekend perhaps…

Today’s read is about 4-6 minutes. Post read pondering not included.

Communication has been a recurring theme for me over the last few weeks. People have complained to me about it, and I’ve even been frustrated by it. There is no panacea for this though. Even things that worked yesterday might not be suitable today.

What I agree with in this article is hierarchical communication can be slow. It’s suitable for slow moving or long term communication, but by the time some information has flowed to the correct recipient it is redundant, and a waste of time and resources.

What works for you?

Last week’s riddle question and answer; I’m sometimes full, but I never overflow. What am I? The moon, but how lovely were the people who guessed heart?

This week’s riddle is;  Thousands lay up gold within this house, But no man made it. Thousands of spears guard this house, But no man wards it.

Time for a moment to reflect, I think.

Happy Birthday Emily X