Kendal Penney

Principal Psychologist & Senior Consultant 


Kendal is a highly determined and integrative consultant with a dynamic set of skills as a Registered Psychologist, Professional Coach, Certified Trainer/Assessor and Saville Wave Certified.

She is passionate and experienced in working with leaders and teams across all levels of the business. This passion is driven by making a sustainable and positive impact on the experiences people have at work, so they can go on to have empowered lives outside of work. The self-leadership framework is at the core of Kendal’s approach to work and life.

Kendal’s pursuit of a career as an Organisational Psychologist, combined with fourteen plus years’ experience working with strengths-based frameworks and ten years' experience in managing and leading teams, programs and departments. affords her invaluable insight into the art of achieving optimal performance solutions.

Kendal has a broad range of experience in championing quality and performance, program design and management, tailoring learning and development plans, behavioural management and performance coaching, assessing and designing organisational effectiveness solutions, social return on investment and consumer engagement, and psychosocial risk management.