Friday Reflections 0908

Happy Friday everyone. Here’s something to reflect on over the weekend perhaps…

Today’s read is about 4-6 minutes. Post-read pondering not included. Quick one this week – I’m on the road. Interesting for me was not just the content, but the style it was written. I don’t know about you, but I felt this one may be AI generated. What clues do you see? Quick shout out today too-Happy Birthday Dad.

Last week’s riddle question and answer; A woman hears her name and is then taken away by two men. Later, the woman dies while under the care of many. What happened to this poor woman? A bit morbid, she was sentenced to death by a judge, then the sentence was carried out.

This week’s riddle is;  Every two weeks, a man sits down and writes two words on 60 sheets of paper. Why does he do this?

Time for a moment to reflect, I think