Friday Reflections 1011

Happy Friday everyone. I am back! Here’s something to reflect on over the weekend perhaps…

Today’s read is about 3-5 minutes. Post read pondering not included. Yes, it’s an infomercial, but still raises an interesting question for me. I wonder if the skills test includes soft skills like communication, conflict resolution and collaboration. What about cultural fit? Of course, there must still be an interview to determine some of that. What do you think? Should we ban the resume? What information does it give you?

Last week’s riddle question and answer; Three lions are in a pen. Lions’ favourite food is zebra. If a lion eats a zebra, however, the lion will become drowsy and may be eaten by another lion if one is nearby. A lion that eats a lion will also become drowsy and risks being eaten by another lion. A zebra is put in the pen. Lions are very logical, and also self-preserving. They will only eat other animals if they are sure they will not be eaten themselves. Also, if a zebra is eaten, it is eaten by one lion only, not shared by the pack. Does the zebra survive?  No. The zebra dies. We solve this by imagining a single lion in the pen, seeing what happens, and then increasing lions. One lion, one zebra: The lion eats the zebra. Two lions, one zebra: Neither lion eats the zebra, since if one did it would get eaten by the other. Three lions, one zebra: One lion eats the zebra, because it has worked out that when it gets drowsy, neither of the other two lions will dare eat it. This is because when it is drowsy, the situation is analogous to the ‘two lions, one zebra’ scenario, in which neither lion eats the zebra.

This week’s riddle is;  What starts with an “e” but only has a single letter in it?

Time for a moment to reflect, I think. Obligatory holiday snap included.