Happy Friday everyone. Here’s something to reflect on over the weekend perhaps…
Today’s read is about 5-8 minutes. Post read pondering not included. An interesting take on a model I am familiar with. I think its great that even culturally established ideas can still be challenged, or rather, clarified. Some people mistrust the scientific community when well-held beliefs are debunked. I see this as a positive, that we are understanding the world more, and the beauty is in the nuance. I hope you feel the same.
Last week’s riddle question and answer; A guard at a Roman estate found Antony & Cleopatra dead, side by side each other in a room. He called Caesar who immediately confirmed they were both dead. There was no sign of poison nor foul play. Caesar noted a small crack in the floor near their bodies, and concluded correctly the crack was a significant factor in their deaths. How could this be? Antony & Cleopatra were goldfish, and their tank had leaked.
This week’s riddle is; A factory made millions of ball bearings made from a nylon polymer. They were incredibly tough but light in weight. Just a few scattered over a hard floor could support the weight of an entire truck. They were stored in large 3mx3m wooden crates. Under normal circumstances the material used is quite safe, and not poisonous. However, the coroner viewed the death of a worker rather differently. Why?
Time for a moment to reflect, I think.