Friday Reflections 2402

Happy Friday everyone. Here’s something to reflect on over the weekend perhaps…

I am away today so this is arriving early.

Today’s read is about 3-4 minutes. Post read pondering not included. Something light this week. Not rocket science either. That’s the message for me; its not about complicating life with heaps of stuff, back to basics, do the simple things and the rest will follow.

Last week’s riddle question and answer; It’s got twists and turns, but has no curves. Twist it to fix it, turn it to ruin it. What is it? (stumped everyone – a Rubik’s cube)

This week’s riddle is;  The part of the bird, that is not in the sky, Which can swim in the ocean and always stay dry. What is it?

Did you know? Should you ever want to look back on old versions of these, you can find them here Time for a moment to reflect, I think