Friday Reflections 2406

Happy Friday everyone. Here’s something to reflect on over the weekend perhaps…

Today’s read is about 6-8 minutes. Post read pondering not included. I read this a couple of weeks ago but it keeps recurring in my thoughts, so I figure I’ll share it.

Looking up at night has always fascinated me. It’s a great reminder of just how insignificant we are. Astronomy itself is fascinating too. I once read how Richard Feynman described it  – like being a bug in a pool, and trying to work out what and when fell into the pool at the other end just by feeling the motion of the water.

That always reminds me how difficult it is to make sense of something, especially when we are within it, or a part of the problem. Some problems we cannot separate ourselves from, but where we can it’s so useful to get an outsider’s perspective. What could you look at differently?

Last week’s riddle question and answer; You use a knife to slice my head and weep beside me when I am dead. What am I? many of you got it – an Onion

This week’s riddle is;  I am the beginning of the end, as well as the end of time and space. I am essential to creation and I surround every place. What am I?

Time for a moment to reflect, I think.